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B737 Turnkey Flight Simulator - Uppsala, Sweden

If you think that the use of a B737 Flight Simulator is limited only to aviation training, read about this project! Combining his vast experience in coaching, the owner who is an airline pilot too, has created a truly unique product. Not only can people learn how to fly using the fixed base B737 flight simulator, but they are also able to participate in team building courses, fear of flying treatment sessions or prepare for airline assessment or a job interview.

B737 fixed base flight simulator by simworld
B737 fixed base simulator

B737 flight simulator for everyone

The owner's head is full of ideas. Why not use the flight simulator in other courses?

Coaching? Why not!

Team building? Yes!

Job interviews in a B737 simulator? Sounds crazy? Let's do it!

With his great passion to aviation, coaching and people, Paul has a truly unlimited number of ideas. And the best thing about it is that he really makes them materialize! Project Take Off

A flagship product of Carbon Coaching is Project Take Off which lets companies improve the team work within their organizations: productivity, communication and collaboration. For the first time the usual coaching sessions are replaced with B737 flight simulator sessions what greatly improves attractiveness for participants, increases their attention, commitment and perception. A course like this is just unforgettable!

B737 turnkey simulator by simworld
B737 turnkey simulator

If you like this project, you can see more details on our B 737 fixed base simulator here.

If you want to learn more on this unique course or simply want to book your flight in a fixed base B737 simulator, visit Carbon Coaching's website:


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