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It all started from a hobby - our great passion to aviation and electronics.

Our story began few years before convertion into a business venture what happened in 2009. Over years we have grown from a small private company manufacturing parts and components, to a mature supplier of innovative B 737 flight simulator systems approved by EASA / FAA for actual flight training (B737 FNPT II MCC / B 737 AATD FTD).





Simworld was established in 2009 with a goal to deliver reliable and affordable B 737 flight simulator for home (enthusiasts), business (commercial entertainment) and non-approved flight training.


First projects were focused on parts and components as the owners were gaining experience, skills, contacts and certainly the trust of Customers, being a newcomer in the business. Our attention to minute details to replicate a Boeing 737 cockpit simulator and unusual, very individual and flexible approach to our Customers have quickly made us a realiable supplier and a trusted long-term partner for most of them.


As one of a few manufacturers we decided to design proprietary electronics to control our panels and flight controls and as the only one we decided to utilize a cutting-edge, industrial standard CANBUS, forgetting all 'oldschool' interfaces. Technology we have chosen beats most of competing products which still utilize the old methods.


Having finally designed all parts and electronics, we made the next step and completed our first enclosed fixed base and fully functional B737 flight simulator which was presented to publics in 2013 and was later demonstrated at few exhibitions and events. Finally in 2015 the simulator settled in our showroom and again, we have done something unprecendented and decided to start commercial operations, so our 737 simulator could become a test and Research&Development unit.

We strongly believed this would give us a very important user's perspective and let us evaluate durability of our hardware. Decision had been made and in 2015 we opened our own simcenter GearUP! located in Poznan. To date the simulator has been in constant commercial operation and has logged nearly 10000 of flight hours with over 12000 visitors - still counting.

Another milestone for the company was achieved in January 2018 after few months of complicated process of adjusting our simulator and procedures to EASA requirements. Our B737 FTD based at GearUP! was certified to FNPT II MCC level. Our hard work and attention to realizm and details were finally awarded by Aviation Authorities. This increased our motivation even more and laid the foundations for a new venture Ltd., a spin-off company, supplying solutions and services to professional Customers. Since then has been focused mostly on projects which do not require official approvals or certifications, while has delivered a number of B737 FTD to industry professionals.

As of 2020, simworld and deliver wide range of B737 flight simulator solutions - from basic components, B737 Procedure Trainer, a fully-enclosed Fixed Base B737 FTD Simulator, up to EASA/FAA approved B737 Flight Simulation Training Device - B 737 FNPT II APS MCC and B 737 AATD. GearUP! remains our showroom and the R&D flight simulator and is still used by various Training Organizations for MCC, IR and ME courses.



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We invite you to meet our team, read about projects we have completed over years and see a gallery of pictures showing our company and products. We hope to see you join the family of simworld Customers.

Contact us!

Please specify your requirements, time frame and budget if possible. This will help us tailor our B 737 flight simulator offer to your needs!


ul. Waska 33

62-052 Komorniki

Poland - European Union


+48 737 49 39 49


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